Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Another Day of Gratefulness

I have been wanting to put my thoughts down for a long time. I didn't make the time to unload many things that run around in my mind. Too many thoughts that traverse due to this pandemic. The uncertainty of what happens each day is nerve racking. So today I begin the journey of unpacking all of these thoughts so I can think more clearly and hear the voice of God. 

I am so thankful and  grateful to know the Lord. He guides my steps when I focus on Him. I desire to listen to His voice on a daily basis. It is a struggle at times. Obedience is my focus when the world is not fighting for my time and thoughts. 

So much has happened in the span of a few years. I can't share all the Kodak moments. God has been faithful in this time. He has taught me many life lessons and given me wisdom along the way. Prayer has become very vital to me. I am thankful it has become a routine. 

Back in February of 2016, the Lord nudged me to once again take up the task of finally obtaining my goal weight of 141 pounds. I have been quite fluffy for a long time. In 1998 I was extremely obese at 217 pounds. I thought I was happy as I always ate to make myself feel better. Little did I know that I was an emotional eater and that food had become my idol. 

I came to the realization that I was placing food before anything. I am a pretty good baker and I really enjoy eating sweets. I did not know what true servings of food should be. So four years ago, I jumped back into WW-formerly known as Weight Watchers. I had lost a good amount of weight the first time I was a member so I told myself with the Lord's strength that I would create a body that would glorify the Lord. In all of my eating, I would make better choices. I wanted to be a better steward to the Lord when it came to eating and being healthy. 

It took me 2 years to get to goal weight. I knew it would take me a little bit of time because I had to teach myself how to eat properly and how to learn new healthy habits that become my new routine. Welcome the new normal. 

With much prayer and conversations with the Lord, I hit my goal weight in March of 2018. I weighed in at 139.6 pounds. In order to gain Lifetime status, a member must maintain goal weight for 6 weeks. I achieved Lifetime in April of 2018 and my weight was 136.8. It has been 2 years and I am still within my range to remain lifetime. I am about 139 pounds give or take a couple of pounds. God is so good! He is worthy to be praised.

I am so thankful and grateful that Lord is patient with me. He alone is my Savior. I am blessed to be a child of God. 

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